I would most definitely buy these beauties. Aren't they brilliant? PETITE jeans by Rag & Bone, my personal favorite, so that the knee is actually where it is supposed to be on our petite little legs instead of at our ankles. Maybe I should buy a pair in my normal size as extra motivation of getting back into shape right after the baby arrives?

In other news, I went maternity shopping this past weekend it was totally depressing. I pouted the whole way as my patient husband and mom brought item after item into the dressing room. It wouldn't be so bad, except when we walked in, the salesperson gave us a "tour" of the store. There was a "Neiman Marcus" section, an "Ann Taylor Loft" section and a "JC Penny" section. If that doesn't make you just want to die right then I'm not sure what does. Of course the "Neiman Marcus" section had the cutest clothes, great lighting, and plush furnishings, while the other sections got dingier and more fluorescent lighting by the step. I'm not knocking Ann Taylor or JCP, but when you are in that kind of state of vulnerability, you can't help but to frown a little when your ethics just won't pay $200 for a pair of cut-off maternity shorts. In the end, I came away with the necessities, but I'm still just hoping that if I buy thing a size or two larger it will get me through until November. Fingers crossed!