The husband and I just got back from a four night babymoon in Charleston, SC and it was beyond fabulous. We ate and walked our way around the city and then spent the afternoons sitting by the rooftop pool of our hotel, eating nachos and sipping on Perrier with mint and strawberries (me) and really good IPA beers (husband). Here are some the highlights from our trip:
If you ever make it to Charleston in the summer time, you have to stay at the Market Pavilion Hotel. It's just too hot in that city not to stay somewhere that has a pool. You can only walk around Charleston for so long until it becomes unbearable.
This is the only hotel in Charleston that has a roof top pool with a bar and a really good place to eat. Believe me, that's at the top of my priority list these days. We were able to swim and watch the women's World Cup at the same time while sipping cold drinks and eating nachos. Life just doesn't get too much better than that.
We ate at some really, really good restaurants. We ate at 82 Queen and were able to sit in their courtyard outside. I had the best salad of my life. Grilled peaches with arugula and lavender balsamic. Seriously good.
We also ate at the new "IT" spot, Husk. We took at pedicab there because it was so hot and I was braving out a new pair of clogs. The pedicab form of transportation is the way to go.
If you ever have a chance to go to Husk, you better go starving, because they give you a ton of food. I think everything they serve is cooked with bacon and fat back and I'm not complaining one bit.
Our reservation wasn't until 9pm, so I was starving, and we ordered their bacon cornbread, heirloom tomato salad, fried catfish, and then really splurged on dessert. It was a chocolate peanut butter truffle something that was insane. Don't let the small size fool you, I was having a hard time breathing after I split this with the husband. He got the bourbon pairing and loved every ounce. 
Husk is proud of their southern ingredients and have where each of them are from displayed on a huge chalkboard at the entrance of the restaurant. 
Other than eating our way around the city, Charleston has a brewery that made the husband especially happy. He loves beer so this just made his day.
A tasting that we could both enjoy was a honey tasting at the adorable Savannah Bee Company located on King Street. As soon as I walked by the store front, I instantly wanted to go in just because it was so beautiful! My background is in merchandising and I have to say that this may take the cake for the best way to display honey. They have all kinds of products made from bees and we were able to sample all of their honey.
So, what else do you do in Charleston when you are there for 5 days? Well, we took a carriage tour around the city and we both enjoyed it so much than we thought we would. We were able to learn about the history of not only the city, but were also told details about a lot of the homes in the Battery. 100% touristy, but also a lot of fun.
Back at the barn, they had baby mules and a feisty chicken that chased me and the husband.
We also ventured out of Charleston into Mt. Pleasant and went paddle boarding on the Shem Creek. I'm not much of a creek girl, so I made sure not to fall off my paddle board. It was beautiful and we were able to see a lot of different wildlife including dolphins!
Charleston was the perfect get away but it's always great to come back home. We missed Polly Anna's birthday, so our friend/dog sitter made sure to send us pictures of her on her birthday with her birthday present.